Wednesday, November 18, 2015

PHP Database Class in PDO

PHP Database class is a kickass class build to handle all the Database functionality. PHP database class make it super easy to handle CRUD(Create Read Update Delete) operations easily, PHP database class is build using PDO and BindParams so its SQL injection safe, IN my all projects i use PHP database class so i hope it will help you guyz build web application faster and safer. SO get Started
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Youtube like rating system in PHP and jQuery

Youtube like rating system

Hey guyz in this tutorial we are going to learn how to create youtube like rating system in PHP and jQuery, This version is not that advance a user can post more then one time but its ok for the tutorial purpose you guyz can develop it future
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Image Slider Using CSS3 Key Frame Animation Without Jquery Plugins

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to create a image slider with css3 key frame animation without using jQuery or JavaScript, So Lets Get Started
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Android JSON parser and populating in a listview

In this post we are going to learn how to how to make a Android JSON Parser and populating the results in a ListView, This Post has been Created by HackerKernel Take a minute to visit their website they have a lot of tutorials on Web and Android Development. In this post we will be fetching json data from a remote server using Android JSON parser and displaying its results in a listView
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

MCQ test application in php

First of all Thank you very very much For your love and support we have reached 1k Like on FB PAGE so on this occasion i am releasing my new project “TestiFY” an online MCQ test application in php. This MCQ test application has good amount of feature. For this MCQ test application i have used Dirty PHP so that it will be easy for me to explain stuff to you guyz.
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Learn jQuery in 30 Days (Became jQuery Beginner to a Pro)

Hey guyz this post will be pretty long and this post is a request from my user in this post i am going to post 30 jQuery video and u can watch that videos and learn to programme jQuery. I doesn't matter if u r a jQuery beginner or a pro this videos will help u So Get started to (Became jQuery Beginner to a Pro).

jQuery part 1 - Introduction to jQuery

In this video i will make your introduction to the world of jQuery and try to explain jQuery uses Click to watch video

jQuery part 2 - Understanding jQuery

In this video we will create your first jQuery document and testing the jQuery Click to watch video

jQuery part 3 - Learn jQuery basics

In this video we i show u some basic DOM (Document object module) manupulation with jQuery Click to watch video

jQuery part 4 - learning jQuery class method

In this video we will using some of the jQuery class method such as addClass, removeClass, toggleClass, and we will learn about bind event handler Click to watch video

jQuery part 5 - jQuery event handlers (part 1)

In this video we be talking about the most important thing in the jQuery its event handlersClick to watch video

jQuery part 6 - jQuery event handlers (part 2)

In this video we will be talking some more about event handlersClick to watch video

jQuery part 7 - Practice what we have learned

In this video we will be creating some cool example applications with jQueryClick to watch video

jQuery part 8 - jQuery val() function

In this video we will rubbing your hand to get all from the jQuery val() function. This function is used to get the value from a html tagClick to watch video

jQuery part 9 - jQuery attr() function

In this video we will learning attr() function in jQuery, this function is used to set or get a attribute of a html tagClick to watch video

jQuery part 10 Creating a cool Example

In this video we will create a cool tooltip example to get in touch of the things we have learned till nowClick to watch video

jQuery part 11 - fadeIn, fadeOut, fadeToggle animation

In this we will be learning jQUery animation techniques some thing like fadeIn fadeOut fadeToggle.Click to watch video

jQuery part 12 - jQuery animation slideUp,slideDown,slideToggle

In this we will be learning some more jQuery animation like slideUp, slideDown, slideToggle they are very cool like me take a look LOL.Click to watch video

jQuery part 13 - jQuery animate function

We will be covering the last and my favourite animation effect call animate()Click to watch video

jQuery part 14 - Ajax Load()

In this part we will be talking about ajax and and getting closer to load(). This function is used to load a external script files to the pageClick to watch video

jQuery part 15 - Ajax $.get()

In this part we will be learning about the jQuery $.get() HTTP RequestClick to watch video

jQuery part 16 - Ajax $.post()

In this part we will be learning about the jQuery $.POST() HTTP RequestClick to watch video

In this part we will be learning about the jQuery $.POST() Callback fuctionsClick to watch video

In this part we will be learning about the jQuery $.ajax() fuctionsClick to watch video

In this part we will be improving our feedback form and taking about $.ajax callbck functionClick to watch video
More videos comming soon

Friday, May 16, 2014

Google like instant search with ajax, JSON & php PDO

Hello Guyz in this post i am going to teach  your how to create a google like instant seach with ajax JSON and php PDO. The idea of creating a google like instant search was came from my Gym trainer Aamir bhai Who said me that "Google Search is the best", that word blink at my mind and i decided to create a google like search. I have used php PDO for this post because it was a request from a reader of my blog to start teaching new subjects of php like OOP and PDO so i started with PDO

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